SusyDiario: new way of teaching! Distance education for primary school

SusyDiario is the only interactive online learning platform: designed specifically for use in the primary school to offer pupils readings, examples, lessons, exercises, educational games in the classroom on the Interactive Whiteboard, or in the computer lab, or at home on your PC or elsewhere smartphone or tablet. Ready content (in italian) in mathematics, languages, geography, grammar and more: and tools to arrange for new ones.

A system that allows children to study and practice using the Internet and multimedia technologies, and teachers to produce and manage their lessons and exercises in a simple way, without having to become experts in computer science, and letting the kids interact with content offered in peace: without risk to their personal information, advertising or other unwanted content.

During use (both at home and at school) SusyDiario keeps track of the activities carried out by the students and their results, making them available to the teacher in real time and retain them for evaluation of series (lectures held, achievements, learning in time).

SusyDiario is online for anyone who wants to use it. Admission is free, registration of teachers moderate. The content produced by the teacher are only available to his classes and can be shared; those published for use by all. The teacher controls the access of students and what content they can use. Teacher can interact with the pupil in real time.

SusyDiario is constantly evolving. Continually publish new content and tools. The contribution of the user, through recommendations, suggestions, proposals are welcomed and even solicited. Actually in Italian and English SusyDiario can be translated into any language without modifying the software.

If you have any problems, errors or have suggestions contact us

Teachers: 693Lessons: 1365Public Lessons: 134

Do you want to contribute?

SusyDiario is and will remain free. But if you believe that our commitment deserves a contribution you can give it using this button (secure payment via PayPal)


The new version has just been released and I do not exclude there may be some mistake in case ...


version 2.0 of SusyDiario was born on August 2!